Head Coach: Keri Hatley 

Keri is a huge nerd about everything nutrition. She has been fascinated by the effect that food has on performance and on your body for as long as she can remember, and has tried almost every eating style--including a five year stint as a vegetarian and a couple of years eating strict paleo. Later, she started working with other nutrition coaches and began tracking her macronutrient intake. After four weeks, she had transformed her body and uncovered six-pack abs that had been hiding just under the surface for decades. Needless to say, she was hooked. An avid learner and researcher, Keri is continuously advancing her nutrition knowledge. She holds a Nutrition Coaching certificate from Precision Nutrition and has completed the Nutritional Therapy course from the Nutritional Therapy Association. 

Keri has a diverse athletic background that gives her a wide perspective in working with athletes. A ten-time varsity letterman, she was recruited to run on her High School's varsity cross country and varsity track team as an 8th grader. She continued to run competitively in college. She shifted gears and began racing bicycles in 2011, and raced cyclocross and mountain for Crosshairs Cycling out of Washington D.C., and rode for Primal/McDonald Audi out of Denver, Colorado. She dabbled briefly in Crossfit before discovering her new love of powerlifting in 2014.

Keri founded Shred Science Nutrition with the goal of helping her clients lose weight and build lean muscle to unlock their optimum performance. She gets tremendous pride and enjoyment from helping clients--whether they consider themselves athletes or not--reach their goals through simple, nutritious eating.

Spirit animal: coyote


Associate Coach:  Catherine Johnson - not currently taking new clients

Catherine hasn't always had a healthy lifestyle. She understands firsthand how difficult it can be to eat well and take care of oneself in a culture that projects unrealistic beauty standards, surrounded by an abundance of nutrient-deficient food options. After struggling with stress and diet through college and graduate school, Catherine was determined to take control of her health. She experimented with many diets (from 5 years of veganism to paleo and variations in between) and exercise regimens, only to discover there is no one-size-fits-all approach that will work for everyone; it's a process of better understanding yourself and what satisfies your specific needs. As a result, Catherine has a broad understanding of how various lifestyle choices contribute to one's overall well-being and loves how the structure of tracking macros actually leads to so much flexibility and food freedom.

The practice of yoga has played an especially important role in Catherine's journey. She has been practicing for 15 years, completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training with YogaWorks in Washington, DC in 2013, and practiced Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore, India with Saraswathi (the daughter of Pattabhi Jois). She is also an avid cyclist and runner.

Catherine is a powerhouse of nutrition information and is eager to share the knowledge and practices she's accumulated over the years to assist others in their own individual process towards a healthier, happier, thriving life.  Her coaching-style is warm and empowering—always 100% positive and judgment-free. Oh, and if you want recipe ideas or are working around some food restrictions, she is an idea machine.

Spirit animal: owl

Associate Coach: Marc Langlois

Marc started his nutrition journey as a Shred Science athlete and has fallen in love with tracking macros and building a positive relationship with food. Since starting with Shred Science he’s lost over 20 pounds and has seen dramatic performance improvements on the bike because of this improvement to his power-to-weight ratio. Learning and experiencing how to optimally fuel an endurance athlete has been the most rewarding part of the process.

Marc is a cyclist competing in cyclocross, road, mountain biking, and gravel. Currently racing for a team out of Allen Park, Michigan, he's hoping to climb up on more than a handful of podium steps this year. You’ll usually catch him with a sweet potato stashed in one of his jersey pockets to help fuel the ride! A long-time athlete, Marc started playing soccer at the age of four and competed at a high level until his early 20s. Off the bike, you’ll find Marc rock climbing, fly fishing or hiking as much as possible. 

Marc’s coaching style is very practical and full of strategies that are easy to implement with minimal time investment. He approaches counting macros like a game—kind of like a macro version of Tetris—to keep things interesting. Marc has been eating a plant-based diet for the last 10 years, but is totally comfortable coaching any/all food preferences.

Spirit animal: ewok or shoebill stork

Associate Coach: Ryan Holler - not currently taking new clients

Ryan brings so much to the table as a nutrition coach. In addition to being brilliant and hilarious, he has a healthy and balanced relationship with food and a light social touch. He is a true artist in his ability to manipulate food to fit macro targets and is a MyFitnessPal power user. Ryan comes to the coaching arena from a very interesting perspective—he has lost over 40 pounds tracking macros with ShredScience. That perspective means that he has been there and felt it all.

He’s not a competitive athlete, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. He is a normal guy who eats out a lot, doesn’t have a ton of time to prep food, and rarely makes it to the gym; but, he is also a guy who has made tracking macros dovetail into his lifestyle and had tremendous success without giving up the social events he enjoys. A witty communicator, his coaching style is light-hearted and full of big belly laughs.

Spirit animal: circus bear

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